Fedor Serbinenko Readings have been held in Kineshma

On June 7 – 8, 2024 the city of Kineshmain the Ivanovo region received Fedor Serbinenko Reading, a scientific and practical named in after the founder of endovascular neurosurgery Academician Fedor Andreyevich Serbinenko. The RENS was one of the initiators and organizers of the event that brought together practitioners in the field of endovascular diagnostics and treatment of vascular diseases from Russia and CIS countries.

Respected academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences spoke at the opening of the reading: A.N. Konovalov, Honorary President of N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center; B.G. Alekian, Chief X-ray Endovascular Surgeon of the Ministry of Health of Russia and Deputy Director for Science of A.V. Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center; V.V. Krylov, Chief Neurosurgeon of the Ministry of Health of Russia; L.S. Kokov, Head of Department of Radiological Diagnostics of N.V. Sklifosov Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. and Professor L.B. Likhterman, Chief Scientific Officer of the N.N. Burdenko National Medical Center.

The participants discussed the current state and prospects of endovascular surgery in Russia, as well as innovative endovascular diagnostic technologies for the treatment of stroke, aneurysms, pulmonary, nasal, gastrointestinal bleeding and other vascular pathologies.

Speakers from Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Kineshma, Kazan, St. Petersburg and Moscow shared their practical observations with colleagues during the analysis of non-standard clinical cases such as treatment of cerebral proliferative angiopathy, a giant false aneurysm of ICA cavernous section causing profuse nosebleeds, embolization of intracranial aneurysms and endovascular occlusions of visceral arteries in life-threatening bleeding and other pathologies.

The participants and guests of the event were especially impressed by the demonstration of documentary film My Friend Fedor Serbinenko dedicated to the life and professional achievements of the outstanding scientist and surgeon, the founder of endovascular neurosurgery. The film was kindly introduced by Prof. Leonid B. Likhterman.

On the second day of the conference, F.A. Serbinenko’s colleagues, friends, pupils and the participants of the event visited the surgeon’s dacha in Shchelykovo to plant an apple alley, to set a memorial stone and held a prayer service in memory of the great neurosurgeon.

The event’s Organizing Committee included:

– Russian Academy of Sciences

– Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

– Department of Health Care of the Ivanovo Region

– Ivanovo State Medical University

– Russian Association of Neurosurgeons

– Russian Scientific Society of Specialists in X-ray Endovascular Diagnostics and Treatment


– N.N. Burdenko Medical Research Center

– N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Ambulance

– Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnology

– RUDN Medical Institute

– Chair of Neurosurgery of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education.

Chair of Fundamental Neurosurgery of Pirogov Russian National Medical University

“We are present at an amazing event because we are holding the first readings dedicated to Fyodor Andreyevich Serbinenko. I knew him very well, worked together with him for 50 years. No less important is the fact that we are gathered in an amazing old Russian city in the land of Ostrovsky and Serbinenko. It will forever be remembered. Fedor Andreyevich is an amazing specialist. Before my eyes endovascular neurosurgery was created, he made thin latex balloons with his own hands, prepared them and then used them in the clinic. It was a breakthrough in neurosurgery. This is one of the most beautiful, amazing and very necessary activities that prolongs people’s lives and preven the most serious complications”, said Alexander N. Konovalov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary President of N.N. Burdenko Medical Research Center.

“Fedor Andreyevich made a revolution that has cancelled the destructive bloody operations for brain vessel injuries, he developed a fundamentally new approach that is minimally traumatic intravascular reconstructive interventions. They restored normal blood flow to get rid off the dangerous and terrible manifestations of the disease “, pointed out Leonid B. Likhterman, Professor, Neurologist and Chief Researcher of N.N. Burdenko Medical Research Center.

“Our Socienty of bears the name of Fyodor Andreyevich Serbinenko, therefore the organization of the conference in his name has become a particularly important mission for us, and the matter here is not only in the name, but also in the meanings it carries. Academician Serbinenko has forever entered the history of microsurgery and endovascular neurosurgery as a symbol of outstanding scientific achievements, diligence and willpower. The members of the Society and all those gathered here – leading experts and young practicioners – are the successors of his work, and I am sure that we will honorably cope with this task. Fedor Serbinenko Reading is not just a tribute to the memory and of the great scientist and surgeon, it is also an effective tool for interaction between doctors, a platform for discussion, research, a place where theories and hypotheses are born, where the foundation is laid for breakthrough discoveries and important decisions”, stated Kirill Yu. Orlov, MD, Professor of Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology of RUDN University, Head of Research Center of Endovascular Neurosurgery of the FMBA’s Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies and Director of RENS

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