In the medical center of Far Eastern Federal University, an educational course devoted to treatment of ischemic stroke has been delivered

On August 1 – 2, on Russky Island, at the Medical Center of Far Eastern Federal University, the leading experts of RENS in neurology and endovascular neurosurgery held an educational course on ischemic stroke treatment. During the course, the experts shared their experience in endovascular treatment of this vascular pathology.

“The essence of RENS’s activity, as of any society, is to unite professionals, and the Society has been doing a lot to popularize endovascular methods of treatment and train young specialists, so today it involves almost everyone who is engaged in endovascular neurosurgery and treats neuropathologies”, said Kirill Yu. Orlov, MD, Director of the RENS, Head of the Research Center for Endovascular Neurosurgery at the Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies.

During the reports, Nikolay A. Shamalov, MD, Director of Institute of Cerebrovascular Pathology and Stroke at the Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies, Chief Outside Specialist Neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief Freelance Neurologist of Moscow’s Department of Health, highlighted individual approaches to the treatment of acute ischemic stroke, spoke about perioperative thrombolytic therapy and thrombolysis in terms of its effectiveness, timing and contraindications. Mikhail Yu. Volodyukhin, MD, Head of Radiosurgery Department at Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Center in Kazan, devoted his presentations to the histological structure of blood clots and endovascular methods of their treatment. Speaking about the course, he emphasized, “The course on the treatment of acute ischemic stroke is extremely important, as this disease leads to high mortality and high disability in patients, so the introduction of new technologies to treat this category of patients is extremely relevant for the Russian Federation and the whole world.”

Another controversial issue raised during the course was endovascular restoration of cerebral blood flow in patients with low NHISS and ASPECT scores and occlusions of M2-M3 MCA segments. The topic was the subject of one of the reports by Alexander V. Savello, MD, Deputy Head of the Department of Neurosurgery at S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Chief Specialist in X-ray Endovascular Diagnostics and Treatment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Along with lecturers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan, reports were delivered by practitioners from Primorsky Krai: Dmitry S. Khan, Head of Department for ACVA patients at Primorsky Krai Clinical Hospital No. 1, Ph, D.; Tatiana A. Kantur, Doctor at Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the FEFU Medical Center; Vyacheslav A. Panarin, Neurosurgeon; and Artur R. Biktimirov, Neurosurgeon of the FEFU Medical Center.

According to Dr. Biktimirov, “Stroke is one of the cardiovascular diseases that can be fatal, so it is important to improve methods of treatment and rehabilitation after attacks, and develop technological means for rehabilitation that can significantly improve our patients’ quality of life!”

As part of the course, a showcase on embolization of an aneurysm, one of the most dangerous pathologies of cerebral vessels, was successfully featured. The operation was performed by Vyacheslav Panarin, a neurosurgeon at the FEFU Medical Center. In 2019, he had been announced the best student to attend the Treatment of Cerebral Vascular Aneurysms course arranged by the RENS in St. Petersburg, and in 2022, he was praised as the best student to have passed the Treatment of Ischemic Stroke course offered by the RENS.

At the end of the course, the participants noted the high level of professionalism and wide capabilities of the FEFU Medical Center. Under the Digital Development Center Strategic Project that is a part of the Priority 2030 Program, an educational and testing facility for medical technologies has been opened at the FEFU Medical Cluster. The institution performs high-tech operations, conducts its own research, implements innovative treatment methods, diagnoses and rehabilitates patients based on the latest developments in the field of medicine.

The RENS thanks the management of the FEFU Medical Center and the participants of the course and invites them to attend its final part free of charge. The event takes place on November 1-2 in Moscow. Traditionally, the course will end with a test to determine the best student. The RENS is always open to cooperation and is ready to consider applications for educational courses from Russian regions.