Lecturers From 13 Countries Have Taken Part in ICENS – 2023

Leading Russian and international experts in the field of endovascular treatment of cerebrovascular diseases participated in the 7th International Course on Endovascular Neurosurgery ICENS-2023.

The course organized by the RENS was held on May 18-19 at the Federal Center for Brain Research and Neurotechnologies in Moscow.

Kirill Orlov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of Research Center for Endovascular Neurosurgery at Federal Center for Brain Research and Neurotechnologies (Moscow, Russia) and Charbel Mounayer, Professor, Head of Department of Neuroradiology at Dupuytren University Hospital (Limoges, France)headed the Scientific Committee of the course.

The key topics were arteriovenous malformations, aneurysms, stroke, new devices, legal aspects of everyday medical practice, and the future of neurointervention and scientific research.

The course brought together doctors from different regions of Russia, including those from the new territories. As part of the agenda, in one of the operating rooms of the Federal Center, they weredemonstrated a procedure to cure a dural arteriovenous fistula, a rare pathology of cerebral vessels. The operation was successfully carried out by Kirill Orlov and broadcasted life.

The other live cases brought up during the course included ones performed by Andrey Petrov fromPolenov Neurosurgical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia); Sergey Yakovlev from N.N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery (Moscow, Russia), Mynzhylky Berdikhodzhaev from Central Clinical Hospital (Almaty, Kazakhstan). A recorded case was provided by Xianli Lu from Tsinghua University (Beijing, China).

A life broadcast of an emergency operation of a stroke patient was brought by Vladimir Kalousek from Sestre Milocerdnice (Zagreb, Croatia). Watching the live broadcast was a showcase how to treat this vascular pathology.

Once again, ICENS has proved to be an effective platform for knowledge share for the leading experts in treatment of cerebrovascular diseases that enables for efficient experience generalization and transfer.